Friday, July 16, 2010


My parents came in for the weekend and we ended up taking an impromptu trip to Kemah. It was really hot, but really fun! Dad bought an obscene number of tickets and we all had a ball riding the rides. I was surprised how many the girls are now big enough to ride. So fun! When the tickets ran out, the hot set in, and so did the whining from Miss Payton. What a princess! We had a wonderful dinner at the Flying Dutchman and topped it off with a bag of candy at the candy store! Maci was successful at the art she has perfected...getting whatever she wants from the grandparents. Before we even got started she had her very own large bottle of water and a stylin new pair of shades. Nice going Maci, work it! Blake was an absolutely perfect baby the entire day...sweat and all. It was such a fun day! We need to do it again soon...well, we can wait for it to cool off just a bit first! :)

4th of July

Both girls were a little under the weather...Maci was getting over something and Payton was starting up something. We didn't do much during the day, but that evening the Meers' came over for pizza, fireworks, and cupcakes. Maci is still terrified of fireworks so she hid in the garage for the little ones (sparklers and poppers) and hid in the house for the neighbor's huge firework display. Payton loved it all. Blake even enjoyed the bright fireworks. Here are a few pics!