Ok, I know that Blake is technically the baby of our family, but in my head, I don't know if there will ever be a day where Payton is not the baby. That said, this birthday is a little hard for me to take! I cannot believe my baby is 4! That seems so old. It is all happening way too fast. My mind's eye looks at her and only sees an 18 month old toddling around with fuzzy little hair sticking straight up off her little (not so little) head. Sometimes I look over at her not really sure who that big beautiful girl looking back at me is. How is it that these little people grow up so darn fast. Old people always say things like that. I am getting old too. Boo!!! Anyway, our little princess had her 4th birthday on the 7th. She loved her special day from the beginning till the end. This child LOVES days that are all about her! She was a blessing the whole day, too. She continuously thanked us and told us how wonderful we made her day. Her party was at Cypress Academy of Gymnastics. Wow, did she enjoy that! I think my favorite part was listening to her open and talk about all the special gifts from her friends and family. She spent a good amount of time checking out and gushing over each and every item. Even when the party was over, she would ask who something was from and then talk about how wonderful it was of them to get her just the perfect gift. Our little princess is an enormous blessing to our family. And like she told me on her birthday, she'll always be my baby!
Posing with daddy at the end of a wonderful birthday!
Listening to the coach's directions, excited to get started!
Ready for some cake!
Making a wish and blowing out her candle!
Payton told me that, "A party is not a party without a cake." So I made a last minute cake just for her.
The ballerina cupcakes.
Just some extra pictures I added.