So, I took my gorgeous (I may be a little biased) family out to get some family pictures because it had been a while. Alan's parents were kind enough to shoot some that I could be in as well. I have to say, that little boy of mine was a little turkey, but the girls were angels! Anyway, I did get several printable pics for my house. I like to have fresh pics in frames, they make me smile!

A shot of Mr. Blake protesting this photo shoot! Ha! Love him!
These pics are from a little mother/son play date at the park! He and I really had a great time running around and sliding and swinging! He is a fabulous little sidekick to have around. He puts a lot of effort into making me laugh! Love it!

My dad and sister came into town a couple of weeks ago and I thought it would be fun to go over to the pumpkin patch to get some fall pictures of the kiddos. I spent most of my time there chasing a little blond-headed boy around the pumpkins.
A picture with me and my beautiful children! They are fabulous and I adore each one of them! Could a girl be more blessed!!!

Blake is 18 months old in these pictures!!!
My dad sat down in this chair with Maci and Kendall and started reading and singing. Payton came over and we threw Blake in there and, bam!!! An amazing picture of a granddaddy and his grandchildren was captured!
Payton just turned 5!!!! Its funny, it seems like she's been 5 for a long time now. Although it doesn't seem possible that that tiny little baby girl is now a 5 year old...this year she has really grown up so much. The older Maci gets, the older Payton seems. She thinks she is just as old and capable as her big sister. Anything Maci can do, Payton thinks she can do too! So, it seems like she's been 5 for a long time! That said, I think I will only ever see her as a 2 year old when I look at her. She's my baby girl always! For her birthday, we had a cowgirl party at a local equestrian park. She and about 9 little girlfriends spent a couple of hours riding horses led by a trainer. It was adorable and my little cowgirl had a fabulous day!